9 Reasons why Aerating Lawns Makes Sense
We think that Aeration it is one of the very best things one can do for the lawn (apart from mowing properly of course!). Sometimes...
Keeping Leaves off the Lawn in Autumn - why not make Leaf Mould?
Leaves can spell doom for lawns if they are left on the lawn for any length of time. Under the leaf blanket the grass plants are deprived...
How to Mow like a Professional
My Team and I have been working recently on our top tips for a professional mowing job. Here are our pearls of wisdom from what we have...
Watering Lawns in the Summer
Our customer base seems to be very divided as to whether they like to water their lawns over the summer months. Of course, if you wish...
Red Thread
Red Thread seems to be a perennial problem every summer for our lawns here in London. This disease starts by the lawn looking at first...
Best Practise Spring Lawn Care
After the wettest winter on record, at long last the sun is out, the temperature is on the rise and the lawns should be starting to dry...
Shed Clear Out: What to do with Last Year's Lawn Products?
February is a planning month for gardeners (although with all the mild weather bulbs are starting to come up and give us some hope that...
Rain and Compaction make for Unhappy Waterlogged Lawns this Winter
Compaction is one of the key elements that prevent lawns from prospering. Compaction occurs when the grains of material, which form the...
Watch out for Fusarium Patch (Microdochium Nivale) or Pink/Grey Snow Mould
Fusarium Patch (Microdochium Nivale) disease is the most common of all lawn diseases in the UK, although the symptoms are most severely...
Best Practise Winter Lawn Care
With temperatures at last now feeling really wintery and the recent hard frosts, you'd be forgiven for completely forgetting all about...